Can you imagine a city of the
future. Do you see clean streets, flying cars and robots doing all the work??
It is the future where everyone and everything is technologically advanced. The future will be utopia, the perfect world. The future will be much advanced in all ways. Today we have cars that run on Ethanol and vegetable oil. In the future we will have flying carpets that will be more energy efficient. There will be no cars in the future everything will get simpler every day .Our homes will be transformed into flying houses or better to be known as portable home , creating a new era in the city’s infrastructure. Scientists invent a new particle-‘Element X’ which is non exhaustible and will replace all fossil fuels and other energy resources. Due to the hole in the Ozone layer of Earth a new layer was put up around the earth which blocks the harmful rays of the sun and also filters the unwanted and toxic gas present and converts it into breathable air. People no longer had to be feared of natural disasters ,since the new layer of air has come up it has the ability to well predict the incoming disasters .The whole of the city became green again. Every building was surrounded and coated with lots of trees and plants. The whole of the city was guarded by specialised wing copter drones with 24*7 surveillance duty. Finally it entered into the world of robots. From watering your plants to heavy factory works, everything was managed by robots and drones. Getting food will be more effortless with food processors. People no longer will need to go to markets and shops for buying household items. From sweets to big electrical or anything will be home delivered. With advances in modern science getting almost anything will be easy. In the past we had microwave meals that you heat up. In the future you tell the food processor what you want wait 30 seconds and your food is hot and ready to eat. Enough about eating let’s talk about the geography of the earth .In the future all of the continents will come together to form Pangaea. In the past every year the separated continent moved about ¼ to about 1 inch a year. As all the continents come together that means we have one government. A mixed government with people from all over Pangaea. With there being one continent every person had the same trend. Everyone will be physically fit in the future. More people are starting to run and diet every day. In the past they were starting to just get more heather foods. Well in the future everything that you eat is healthy. In the future there will be a big push for physical fitness. Everything will be so perfect that finally it’ll end up as people having no jobs but all are self sufficient .Thanks to the advancements in the field of science and technology. The future will be a great place no more wars no more people trying to take over the world. With food processors and one big continent how could you not want to live here.
The main features of our ‘FUTURE CITY’
Greenification of cities : Visions of a green city often include skyscrapers where living and office space vie with floating greenhouses or high-rise vegetable patches and green roofs, as we try to combine urbanisation with a return to our pastoral past.
Artificial Ozone layer : which blocks the harmful rays of the sun and also filters the unwanted and toxic gas present and converts it into breathable air. Also it has the ability to well predict the incoming disasters
City drone 24*7 surveillance : to keep an eye on the city and to stop immediate threats affecting the city.
Flying cars to avoid the rush-hour in the cities of the future
Glow in the dark trees that could replace streetlights to dreamlike underground parks
transformable apartments
Every home has a telepresence system built in like a dishwasher. As well as allowing users to control the heating systems and locks, it offers video conferencing and is intended as a way to deliver education, health care and government services.
Sensors are on everything - for example, escalators only move when someone is on them.
A robust digital infrastructure is essential to manage the physical resources and ensure that the city will be liveable and sustainable over the long term.
In the city centre there would be an extraordinarily big shopping centre with everything you could possibly need.
Invisible skyscrapers
people zip to their destinations in underground pods powered by compressed air
green cities, cities that are able to sustain themselves. They can produce their own energy.
Garbage Atomizer : automatically recycles the waste materials
Air Scrubber — cut down on whatever pollution was left. The result was a beautiful mix of sleek high-rises and green spaces.
Robotics division: the robot labour unit where robots are automatically manufactured, sold and given work.
Drone technology: Security purposes.
Mega Tower :People of tomorrow need places to live, work and shop, all of which can be contained in a single tall skyscraper
Tube transportation : fastest means of transportation –through underground tunnels and sky high tubes. Helps to from one city to another in just seconds.
Instant food processing department : food can be ordered from anywhere and will be delivered in matter of few seconds.
City Maintenance Tower : manages all the connectivity within the city and keeps an eye to prevent cyber attacks.
Underground Secret research lab : inventions on all latest technology happens here.